Want Implants? Things To Do This Holiday!

What do you want for your smile? Are dental implants probably going to be your replacement choice? If you think that this is where you’re headed but you’ve got the upcoming holidays in the way of making your ultimate decision, then we suggest you use this time to your benefit! Consider some smart ways to optimize this break from your usual schedule, so you keep your smile plans going, while you’re doing all of the other things the holidays call for!


3 Things To Consider About Implant Dentures

Are you sort of thinking about considering implant dentures but you’re still waiting for some compelling reasons to say goodbye to the traditional support you’re used to and to jump in to the world of dental implants? If you have some amount of interest and a heap of questions, we think it’s worth your time to come in for a consultation. Just let us know and we’ll be happy to explain all about it!


Holiday Time: Want Implants? Start Now!

Are you sad that you are going to have to spend the holidays with missing teeth? Wish you would have started sooner on considering dental implants to restore your smile since tooth loss made its appearance? Since we’re in the here and now, let’s focus on what you can accomplish by getting your implant experience started today. As a result, you can feel full of excitement and anticipation about what the future holds (specifically, it will hold a smile with full teeth replacements).


Implant Protection: Keep Dry Mouth In Check

When you’re a dental implant wearer, you want to do what you can throughout the day to keep your implants safe. You know, of course, that this is not something you should stress about. Generally speaking, when you’re thoughtful about your food choices, you keep up with your oral health care (brushing and flossing), and you’re dedicated to visits for cleanings, you’re in good shape. However, for that extra bit of help, we encourage you to remember to keep dry mouth in check. Find out why and how!


Improving Replacement Teeth with Dental Implants

Precision is vital when replacing one or more lost teeth, especially considering the relationship between straight teeth and a balanced bite. However, the placement and orientation of your replacement teeth are not the only factors that must be considered. For your new teeth to function as nature intended, they should mimic nature’s original design, including the roots that were once embedded in your jawbone. Today, we explain the importance of total tooth replacement, and how you can improve your current replacement teeth with one or more dental implants. (more…)

Dental Implant Testimonials: A Little Extra Inspiration

We know that you appreciate the reassurance and the education that we provide for you when you’re thinking about dental implants for yourself. However, we also know that when you want to talk with someone who has actually received care from our practice, it can leave you wishing that this was a possibility. Yes, we can tell you everything will be fine. However, a patient who has seen us for care and can give you a bit of insight just might help. Try looking over our testimonials for this extra bit of inspiration.


Your FAQs: Implant-Supported Partials

The world of dental implants and your many options may be surprisingly diverse and plentiful as you begin learning more. You may have initially thought that the only option available to you was an implant with a dental crown. However, you find out that you may choose a partial denture with the support of implants and suddenly, you realize that perhaps addressing multiple missing teeth while gaining the benefits that come with implants may be easier than you imagined! Of course, you probably also have some questions to ask us. Let’s start with FAQs (and we can move on from there during a visit).


A Quick Quiz: Let’s Review Your Implant Vocab!

You’re not going to have a very relaxed journey with your dental implants if you don’t have the basic vocabulary down. Do you think you’ve gotten through the essentials just yet or, are you a little bit behind? Fortunately, there are just a handful of main terms you’ll need to commit to memory, so you understand the different steps and processes associated with selecting implants! Make our quiz your first stop on your adventure.


Dental Implants: Time-Related Questions

Are you excited when you think about one day receiving dental implants? Did you recently realize that if you want implants, it’s probably going to require more of your time than some other choice, such as a dental bridge that is traditionally supported? If so, you are absolutely right! Implants do require more of your time but they also offer some very unique benefits. Get started with our answers to frequently mentioned inquiries!


Hard Food: Why Skip It?

When you’re doing your best to go about your daily life without focusing too much on your dental implants but you also want to make sure you’re not making any massive mistakes, it’s quite a balance to strike up. The good thing is that when you’re aware of some major no-no’s, it makes it much easier to simply steer clear of big blunders and get back to enjoying your smile without wasting any time worrying. Today, we talk about the importance of skipping very hard foods. You will find that working your way around this detail is good for every smile and particularly smart for implant wearers.
