Implants: Tell Us What You Need More Of!

When you’re putting your best foot forward with your decision to move ahead with your smile by replacing teeth that you have lost, you will, of course, discover dental implants as a possible treatment. While there may be some things that you really like about what you know so far, there may be something that you realize you need more of in order to feel comfortable further pursuing them. What is it? When you let our Livonia, MI team know, you quickly give us the opportunity to provide you with whatever it is, so you’re that much closer to your newly complete smile.


Your Implants, Your Flossing, Your Questions!

Pack of dental floss

If you have dental implants or you are giving the idea a whirl, one of your first concerns may have something to do with your daily life. What will they feel like? Will they function like natural teeth? Then, there’s the very common: Will they be easy to take care of? Fortunately, implants are very simple to maintain as they generally require the same care that your natural smile requires. As for the flossing aspect of your dental hygiene, our Livonia, MI team thinks you just might have some questions for us. Let’s put those inquiries to rest with our quick question-and-answer session!


Common Implant Concerns And How We Can Help

Are you interested in doing more than just replacing missing teeth with the traditional route? Instead, would you love to learn about the type of dental implant pathway that will work for your smile? However, you are convinced that due to some type of issue with your smile or your needs, you just won’t be able to receive implant? Our Livonia, MI team reminds you that we have probably heard your concern before and we most likely have a solution for you that you haven’t considered (and that will allow you to receive the implants and restorations you’ve been hoping for). Learn more with us when you come in for a visit ASAP!


Implant Tips: Be Careful This Halloween

Are you so very excited that you have a complete smile, thanks to dental implants, which means you can actually thoroughly enjoy this upcoming Halloween? Now, you can dig into all of your favorite treats with reckless abandon, right? Well, not so fast! True, you’ve got your complete set of teeth now, which makes chewing much easier. However, like our Livonia, MI team suggests for all smiles (even those that have never experienced any tooth loss), it’s still important to practice a bit of caution to avoid damaging dental work and teeth alike! Fortunately, you will still absolutely be able to have a wonderful time.


Q&A: Might Mini Implants Be Just What You Need?

What are you waiting for when it comes to choosing dental implants for yourself? Does it have something to do with feeling concerned that you’re almost a candidate for implants but you figure problems like anxiety regarding oral surgery or a depletion in your jawbone’s volume and health may mean you’re not exactly a prime qualifying individual? If so, our Livonia, MI team wants you to keep something in mind: We offer mini implants, which just might give you the replacement you want, while working well for your unique needs. Find out more!


Dental Implants: Too Young, Too Old, Or Just Right?

There are so many thoughts that can fill your head as you investigate dental implants that you might find it dizzying, overwhelming, or just “too much.” We get it. However, we also like to remind patients that there’s no need to go into overdrive when thinking about implants or wondering about candidacy. Determining the details and finding out everything you need to know can happen all in just about one single visit with our Livonia, MI team. So, if you’ve been feeling a little worried as of late particularly due to questions about time, age, and more, let us help you feel better about the specifics. For everything else, schedule a consultation ASAP!


Answering Common Questions: The Implants-And-Smoking Topic

Talking about a smoking habit and whether it affects dental implant candidacy is something that we hear about regularly. It might be something you have some assumptions about (many patients figure they are simply out of the running for implants if they use any type of tobacco). The truth is, this isn’t a general question we can simply answer one way or the other. It’s nuanced! If you’d like to better understand how smoking may affect selecting implants and what it might mean for you, our Livonia, MI team would like to get you started on becoming more familiar with the information you need.


Patient Info: 3 Things To Bring Up With Our Team!

We know that when you think about your future with dental implants, it immediately brings a smile to your face. Then, however, that smile might begin to fade when you remember that the end result seems very exciting to you but you still have some uncertainties about what goes on from right now up through the end of your adventure with tooth replacement! Our Livonia, MI team understands that you may feel it’s important to seem as though you are informed but what we really want is for you to feel truly educated (and even good) about your plans for your smile. Consider the types of questions and particulars you should be bringing up, if you’ve got any!


It May Be Time To Think Again: Why Not Choose Implant Dentures?

You might hear the word “denture” and immediately ignore even entertaining the thought of this particular restoration. However, this may not be to your advantage. At all! Did you know that relying on implant dentures is in many ways, much different than traditionally supported dentures? Did you know that no matter the type, some of your ideas about dentures might not be entirely accurate? Rather than allowing you to push away a chance to receive prosthetic dentistry that might be able to give you and your smile everything you need after tooth loss, we’d like you to think again: Why not choose these? Our Livonia, MI team will slide some new, helpful information your way.


Implants: The Stuff You’re Hearing Versus What’s Real

One of the things that frequently gets in the way of patients quickly coming in to take care of oral health problems, such as missing teeth, is the fact that they hear things along the way that dissuade them. At first, you might have the simple thought that you’d like to consider dental implants. However, at first mention of this idea, you may be met with a lot of negative responses (or confusing ones) from friends or family members. As a result, you begin to have trouble distinguishing between your opinions, the opinions of others, and actual fact! Prevent this from happening by relying instead on our Livonia, MI team as your primary source of factual information! Let’s begin sorting out some of what’s causing you uncertainty.
