As you grow older, you might be anticipating future instances of tooth loss in addition to your existing gap. This is a natural part of the aging process and prosthodontic repair with the use of a dental implant can help. These replacements utilize the method of osseointegration to connect snugly to the jaw by working with our immune system. Other instances may require unique solutions in dental repair. Implants bring broad capabilities when it comes to restoring the strength and appearance of your smile.
You can continue to thrive through the loss of one or more of your teeth. From a single replacement scenario to a full mouth of implant-supported dentures, this technology brings wide appeal to the world of prosthodontics. Discover how dental implants can help you here at your Livonia, MI dentist. Let osseointegration work to retain your jaw bone matter in spite of your instance of tooth loss!
Dental Implants Are A Solution That Looks To The Future
One of the most amazing benefits of dental implant technology is the ability to retain strength in the future. Titanium posts are placed within the bone of the jaw. Through a mechanism called osseointegration, the body believes that this metal is actually a part of your body. When the location heals, you are left with a sturdy post in which your dentist attaches a gorgeous new prosthetic.
This post can remain and a different prosthetic can be used to hold multiple teeth. If an additional post is necessary, it can build upon the success you have already had. You have the freedom to move gradually into a full set of implant-supported dentures.
Addressing Your Specific Prosthodontic Needs
Dental implants help to retain your existing tissue. Once a tooth is lost, the body will begin to take back some of the nutrients at the location through what is known as reabsorption. This can mean the recession of the bone matter at the site.
Reabsorption can pose problems in two ways. Your jaw may become more weak at the spot and be more likely to suffer injury in the future. Beyond the reduction in functionality, you might suffer in appearance. A dental implant can help you to keep as much of your natural tissue as possible.
Renew Your Smile In Livonia, MI
Call James Stewart, DDS in Livonia, MI to learn more or schedule an appointment for a consultation to see how dental implants could help you. Keep your jaw bone matter full and strong at the site of your tooth loss. Experience how a gorgeous renewal with an osseointegrated post can be expanded to include future extractions. Full mouth restorations are possible with the process of implant-supported dentures, which give you a secure bite and a beautifully even look.
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