Category: Dental Implants

How We Approach Implant Candidacy

We know that the second you realize dental implants may be what you’re looking for, you want them right away! However, before you hop in the car and zoom over to our practice for placement, we remind you that we first need to spend time with you to make sure you are someone who can… Read more »

Money Matters: Q&A About Implants

Of course, you want dental implants no matter what because they will guide you toward the full replacement of your missing tooth or teeth. However, as you begin wondering about cost, that “no matter what” might turn to, “as long as I can afford them.” We know that financial questions are on your mind, which… Read more »

Implant Placement: Comfortable As Can Be

You might discover that as much as you’re thrilled about dental implants, you are also a little bit extremely-very-afraid of the placement process. Here’s what we have to say in a nutshell: It will be completely comfortable, we will send you on your way with complete care and recovery instructions, and the only thing you… Read more »

Dental Implants Quiz: How To Learn More

You might think that any knowledge you can gain about dental implants is a good thing. While it’s true that any factual, reliable information you can get your hands on is certainly to your benefit, everything you hear isn’t always accurate. So, how to ensure you’re receiving a solid education? Our quiz should help!

Dental Implant Care: What Am I Doing Wrong?

When you’re doing your absolute best but you don’t think you’re getting your dental implants clean, it can feel a bit defeating. However, rather than give up or feel stuck, we encourage you to consider a handful of suggestions we frequently make to our patients. In most instances, you just need a little bit of… Read more »

Do You Have FAQs About Mini-Implants?

Before we recommend dental implant, we have to look at the health and state of your smile. For example, if you have an underlying health issues, such as gum disease, you may need treatment before we proceed. In addition, losing significant amounts of jawbone tissue can mean there isn’t enough tissue to support a new… Read more »

5 Benefits Of Dental Implants

When people lose one or more teeth, we can provide a solution. We don’t rely on dental bridges and removable dentures, instead we recommend implant dentistry to replace one or more lost teeth. What benefits do dental implants offer?

How Do Dental Implants Preserve Your Appearance?

When we lose our teeth, many complications can arise, including trouble speaking and difficulty eating a variety of foods. However, for some tooth loss can also mean an older appearance, including sunken cheeks and in some cases, even a ptotic chin. Fortunately, dental implants can help preserve your facial structure. How do dental implants preserve… Read more »

How Do You Place Dental Implants?

We’ve discussed the benefits of receiving dental implants before, including their longevity and lifelike appearance. But what does placing them involve? How does our team place a dental implant and who makes a good candidate for them?

How Do You Place An Implant And Crown?

Losing a single tooth used to mean receiving a dental bridge. Placement would involve the removal of surrounding tooth structure and the prosthetic would only last between 10 and 15 years. Fortunately, we have an alternative that can provide decades, possibly even a lifetime, of quality tooth replacement. How do we place implants and crowns?… Read more »