Dental Implants: What Lasts Forever?

When you hear that dental implants last forever and ever this sounds fantastic! However, this may also sound a little fishy. Sure, there are dental treatments out there that provide years’ worth of improvement for your smile but eternity sounds a bit far-fetched. The truth is, it’s all about understanding implants and restorations, how they work, and which parts will stay in place potentially for life and which may require the occasional replacement. Sort through the details with us and you’ll begin to understand what’s what.


What To Do About Whitening And Implants

First, you may feel over the moon about dental implants and decide that you definitely want them. Once you learn you’re a candidate, what’s stopping you from getting your plans sorted out and started to replace missing teeth? If your answer is that you were planning on getting teeth whitening (or if you already have implants and have no idea how to brighten your grin), remember that there’s always a way! As for what that means in these particular scenarios, it’s time for some helpful information.


Implants: Questions You’re A Little Embarrassed To Ask

There are questions about dental implants that you’re probably more than comfortable asking. For instance, you may feel fine asking us how an implant works, if you’re a candidate, what implants look like, and even how long they will last. You may inquire as to how you will care for implants. Then, there’s that other category: Questions you can’t quite find the way to word correctly, questions that don’t seem very clinical or usual, and questions that you’re just plain embarrassed to bring up. Take this reminder to heart: We are happy to field every one of your inquiries. To help you feel a bit better about your shyness, let’s introduce a couple questions patients feel hesitant to ask (but for which they frequently really would like some answers).


Implant Comfort: A Few Facts On Sedation

You may wonder about dental sedation as you’re considering dental implants for your smile. You’ve learned that we offer sedation, which will ensure your procedure and other visits will be extremely relaxing for you. What you might not have sorted out just yet, though, may be the additional details you need. For instance, you may be curious about what we offer, which is best if you’ve got to get back to your daily life, and more. Let’s cover a few details you should know.


Implants: Financial Details To Consider

If you’re spending time thinking about how to replace missing teeth, you might have come across the fantastic advantages associated with dental implants. Once you learn all about how beautiful and natural they will look, the way they will last for many years if not the rest of your life, and the fact that care is very easy, you may think you’ve discovered every last detail. However, there may be one more thing to consider before moving forward: Financial particulars!


Why Make Implants Your First Choice?

Maybe you think to yourself that there’s something a little luxurious about implants. You may think that dental implants are in some way difficult to access or that they are only for a very select few who will qualify. The truth is, if you are missing teeth, they are likely available to you! It’s just a matter of making them your first choice if you feel serious about choosing them. Why might you make this decision? Well, we are more than happy to help you find out!


Jaw Concerns: What To Do If You Want Implants

When you delve into the exciting world of dental implants as teeth replacements for your missing teeth, you will immediately discover that receiving them relies on good jaw health. Now, what are you to do if you know that your jaw is not in wonderful condition at the moment? Can you hope to ever receive implants? Are there options? Alternatives? Begin this journey of yours by first becoming more informed regarding how to navigate choosing implants for yourself when you need to consider jaw damage.


Dental Implants: A Few Facts On Smoking

There are some things you probably already know about smoking and they’re not great. They can lead to lung cancer and a whole host of other problems for your overall health and your oral health, as well. As a result, when you’re someone who smokes and you are interested in dental implants, you might not know what to think. The in-a-nutshell version of the answer to this conundrum is that it’s possible for you to receive implants but smoking makes things much more complicated. Consider a few facts.


Support Your Dentures With Dental Implants

Dentures can provide you with a fully restored dental arch. Your custom restoration can provide a natural-looking, comfortable fit, and help you look younger, and feel more confident in your smile. If you want to add to the stability of your prosthetic, and enjoy important oral health benefits, talk to your dentist about implant-supported dentures. The field of prosthetic dental work has benefited from the use of dental implants to keep restorations in place. When you have the support of these titanium posts, you can have an easier time biting and chewing with your dentures, and you can sustain the health of your jawbone. While many different restorations can be held with implants, implant-supported dentures can be particularly popular because they provide a superior degree of security. (more…)

Dental Implants: Signs That You Need A Visit

Aside from the obvious moments, such as when it’s time for your six-month dental checkup, there are other times that you may way to pay attention to signs your mouth is sending you. These are signals that are saying loud and clear, “Hey, you might want to go in for a dental checkup to protect your dental implants!” Not sure you’re familiar with such sudden alerts but you’ll be sure to be on the lookout for them if we could just get you headed in the right direction? No problem!
