Do I Need Implants To Replace Wisdom Teeth?

Let’s talk about the times you need dental implants to replace your teeth. Then, let’s talk about the times you don’t! Let’s begin with the times you do: When you’re missing teeth that you need in your smile, then it’s time to do something to ensure you have a prosthetic standing in their place. However, what about if the missing tooth is a wisdom tooth? What if you have all four removed? Do you need implants or some other means of giving yourself back these particular teeth? The answer is no! Not sure why this third set of molars is not something you need to worry about? Our Livonia, MI team will explain.


Implants: Don’t Worry, You’ll Have Time To Think It Over

There might be a part of you that wants nothing more than to spend some one-on-one time with our team, as you learn all about what you can expect if you choose dental implants. While the information you already have about them leads you to believe they’ll be a nice solution for you, there’s something that keeps nagging at your brain: You worry that once you’re at our practice, you will feel rushed to make a decision. We understand why you might feel this way and our Livonia, MI team can happily reassure you that there’s absolutely no rush. Learn more.


Reasonable Reasons You Want Implants

What’s reasonable when it comes to feeling interested in dental implants? Since they give you such a fantastic and long-lasting solution to your missing teeth, the answer is really “just about anything.” However, we our Livonia, MI practice knows that it helps you feel more confident about heading into this journey when you feel that your reasoning is worthwhile. So, let’s go ahead and talk about some reasons that we find perfectly acceptable when it comes to choosing implants over a traditional form of replacement for your teeth.


3 Reasons You Want An Implant As Placeholder!

There are lots and lots and lots of reasons you may consider coming in to talk about dental implants for your smile. You might think that they will provide you with the best looking smile, you may feel extremely comfortable and confident in the fact that they will help protect your jaw health, etc. When you get right down to basics, though, you might simply be excited about the fact that implants act as placeholders, providing you the missing structure your roots once provided. What makes this such a wonderful characteristic? Our Livonia, MI team is happy to help you find out.


Implants: Consider Them A Multi-Faceted Investment

There are so many lenses through which you can look at dental implants as an option for your smile. While this is true, you may find that as you try to consider whether they’re a wise option for you or not, you might be recycling the same information over and over in your mind. When you feel like you’d really love some additional inspiration to help you come to a conclusion about implants for your missing teeth, our Livonia, MI team often suggests thinking about implants as a multi-faceted investment for yourself. What’s that mean? Well, just a few little details will help you fully understand how this way of thinking can make quite an impact.


Planning Your Implant Timeline: How To Do It

There are lots of things to think about as you’re considering doing something about your tooth loss, particularly when you decide that you’re ready for dental implants! One of those major factors you might find yourself uncertain about but that is very important: Your timeline. How long is it all going to take, when should you get started, is it important that you begin right away or do you have some wiggle room, etc.? Since you don’t know any of this stuff just yet, our Livonia, MI practice reminds you that there’s a very easy way to figure all of this out. Start with some basics right now! Then, of course, remember that a quick conversation with us will give you all of the insight you’re currently missing on the matter!


3 Ways Implants Help You Look More Youthful

Did you ever think about the fact that dental implants offer some powerful help when it comes to maintaining your youthful appearance? To put it another way: Did you know that implants can really help you avoid looking aged beyond your years as a result of tooth loss? It’s true. Not sure how this really works but you’re intrigued? Good. Let our Livonia, MI team explain a bit further, so you realize implants might offer you the entire package!


Implants: Remember What Initially Drew You To Them!

Are you having some trouble making a decision? As in, are you feeling like you want to ultimately choose dental implants in Livonia, MI but you are so inundated with information at this point, that you sort of wish you could walk away, ignore the spaces in your smile, and just stop dealing with tooth replacement at the moment? We understand! This is new territory and can end up feeling somewhat “too much” as you go along. We encourage you to get back to basics if you feel a little bit frazzled. It will help you much more simply determine whether implants are for you or if, perhaps, beginning with a traditionally supported prosthetic is a better start.


Bad Info About Implants: Where Does It Come From?

When you talk with us, you’ll hear an awful lot of information about dental implants that gets you feeling motivated and enthusiastic about this option. It’s a way to solve your current missing teeth problem that will guide you through decades of a completely stable smile that looks just as wonderful as it functions. However, if you aren’t first getting your information from us, then you might not feel so excited. You might be getting some bad information! Where do such details come from, you ask yourself, and what sources might you wish to avoid to keep yourself from gaining a not-so-favorable perspective? Let’s cover them!


Three Things It’s Really Okay To Ask Us

There are questions that you probably don’t think twice about when you’re about to ask them. Maybe you want to know what a dental implant is made out of, what it will feel like, or how much it might cost. Perhaps you’re curious about how long it takes until you will be all done, ready to show your new smile to the world. Then, there are those other questions. The ones that you think (and for which you really, really want answers) but you may feel a little shy, bashful, or embarrassed about bringing them up for one reason or another. We’d like to remind you of a few things that are really okay to ask us (because you really can ask us anything you’d like about implants!).
