Could You Receive Teeth In A Day?

livonia implany dentures

You may assume that in order to receive implant dentures, you need to prepare for a lengthy amount of time between placing dental implants and attaching a custom denture. But what if we could complete the entire process in a single visit? In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist talks about Teeth-In-A-Day!

The Benefits of Treating Missing Teeth

When you suffer from advanced tooth loss, this could deprive you of your favorite meals and even lead to poor national intake. You could have trouble speaking clearly too, and may even see your jawbone degrade and lose mass and density, which causes an older appearance. To restore function, health, and beauty to your smile, you need to seek tooth replacement. For advanced tooth loss, we could offer a full smile with multiple dental implants and a custom-made denture.

Securing Teeth-In-A-Day

To begin, we will examine your smile and choose the best positions and angle to insert your new tooth roots. Dental implants are biocompatible, made from titanium, and bond with the jaw to ensure your new teeth can last. With Teeth-In-A-Day, we use as few as four posts per arch. Even if you’ve lost jawbone structure and would otherwise need grafting or sinus lifts to proceed, we can support a full smile without oral surgery beforehand. Once these are inserted, we will attach abutments to them so we can attach your dentures!

Attaching Your Prosthetic

In the same visit, we will attach a temporary denture, which fits comfortably and offers a lifelike appearance. This way, you never go without a complete smile. You will return to the office later so we can swap the temporary for a custom and final denture. You now have a full set of teeth, which can last for decades to come and possibly a lifetime with proper care and attention! You should care for them as you would natural teeth, which includes brushing and flossing each day and seeing our team for a checkup and cleaning visit every six months. We want you to feel comfortable to smile again, without worrying about replacing your dentures after only five years, or about slippage when you eat or speak.

If you have any questions about Teeth-In-A-Day, then contact our team today to learn more. Everyone deserves a full smile and we’re ready to help them!


We want to offer you a full and beautiful smile in only one day, so you enjoy better oral health, preserve your facial structure and jawbone, and of course, show off your smile without hesitation. To find out more about securing a complete smile, give a call to Dr. James R. Stewart, Jr, DDS at (734)425-4400 today!