When you talk with us, you’ll hear an awful lot of information about dental implants that gets you feeling motivated and enthusiastic about this option. It’s a way to solve your current missing teeth problem that will guide you through decades of a completely stable smile that looks just as wonderful as it functions. However, if you aren’t first getting your information from us, then you might not feel so excited. You might be getting some bad information! Where do such details come from, you ask yourself, and what sources might you wish to avoid to keep yourself from gaining a not-so-favorable perspective? Let’s cover them!
Friends Or Family
Bad information about dental implants often comes from friends or family. Of course, it’s not because the people you care about most (and who care about you most) want you to have misinformation! It’s because they’re not dentists. You might get some good tidbits in there. However, you may also hear things that are not specific to your needs, information that’s only partly correct, and more. Talking about your plans with the people in your life is wonderful, of course! However, when you have questions, we suggest getting the facts from us.
The Internet
The internet is risky business when what you’re after are facts. Yes, you may find some very reliable sources, especially if you’re quite good at researching. However, remember that you don’t necessarily know who has written what you’re reading about and it’s very easy to read something that seems factual, though it can be misleading.
Stuff You Think You Heard One Time
You might not entirely realize that some of your dental implant information you carry around with you is stuff that you just sort of assume because since it’s stored in your brain, you figured you learned about it one time. When the facts are fuzzy, get a quick refresh by asking us about them!
See Us For The Facts And Reliable Details Regarding Implants
Get to know implants as a solution for tooth loss by coming to see us for the information you need. James Stewart, DDS, and our team serve patients from Livonia, MI, as well as Farmington Hills, Farmington, Plymouth, Northville, Novi, Dearborn Heights, Dearborn, Garden City, Westland, Redford, and the surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (734) 425-4400.
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