What Causes Tooth Loss?

stewart-tooth-lossWhen a patient loses one or more teeth, we can replace them with a lifelike dental implant. We can even use multiple implants to support a fixed denture or bridge that will remain firmly in place. But what causes tooth loss? Why do we lose our teeth and what can we do to avoid further risk of losing permanent teeth?

Poor Oral Hygiene

This one is actually related to other problems we will be discussing further. When we don’t care for our smiles by brushing, flossing, and seeing the dentist for checkups and cleanings, then plaque buildup can occur, weakening tooth enamel and irritating the gums. Soon, your smile can develop a greater risk of tooth decay or gum disease, which in turn can lead to complications related to tooth loss.


When a cavity isn’t treated in a timely manner, the decay will spread until bacteria comes into contact with the inner pulp. Your pulp keeps the tooth alive and healthy, acting as the nerve center. An infection can eventually cause the pulp to die, killing the tooth. We will then need to extract the tooth to prevent the spread of infection.


You can lose a tooth by knocking it out completely or severally damaging it. If the damage is serious enough we may simply remove the remainder of the tooth and discuss replacement options.


Periodontitis is the advance stage of gum disease. At this point, the disease can cause the connective tissue to the teeth and gums to deteriorate. Patients can then lose one or even more teeth. If you have gum disease you should talk to your dentist about options for managing the disease. With the proper steps at home and at the dentist’s office, you can help prevent periodontitis from developing.