How Are Dental Implants Placed?

stewart-implantWhen you lose a tooth, a dental implant can make for a lifelike and durable replacement. We recommend them due to their longevity, natural looking appearance, and ability to strengthen oral health by stimulating jawbone growth. But how are dental implants placed? What can a patient receiving a new tooth expect?

Initial Visit

During the first visit, we will discuss your oral health and examine your smile. The doctor will look for the cause of your tooth loss. If the issue is related to periodontal disease, you may require treatment to manage the disease before an implant can be placed. We will also assess the strength of your jawbone as well. We then decide if this is the best choice for replacing your missing tooth.

Preparation and Placement

After choosing the area where the new tooth will be placed, an oral surgeon will insert the biocompatible titanium implant post into the jawbone. There will then be a healing period of between four and six months. During this time, the jawbone and implant post bond, a process known as osseointegration. The post acts like a natural tooth root, stimulating jawbone growth and allowing the new tooth to stand for a lifetime with proper oral maintenance.


Once the area heals, we will add an abutment to the post. The abutment holds restoration in place. The restoration replaces the visible portion of your tooth. We typically use a custom-made dental crown due to the restoration’s lifelike appearance and strength. If you’ve lost several teeth, we may place multiple posts to secure a fixed prosthetic, such as full dentures or even a dental bridge. If you have any questions about replacing a tooth with dental implants, then please contact our office today.