The Three Main Parts Of Your Dental Implant

We offer dental implants to address cases of tooth loss both big and small, because they offer unrivaled longevity and a lifelike appearance. They also boast a 95% success rate at the ten-year mark! But what makes up these replacement teeth? In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist looks at the three main parts of your dental implant.

The “Root”

Removable dentures are held in place with suction or clasps, while traditional bridges need crowns connected to abutment teeth. Which means as the jaw ridge changes shape over time, they need replacement, usually every five to ten years. But with dental implants, we insert a titanium post, which bonds with the jawbone because titanium is biocompatible. This means the growth of the bone tissue is stimulated instead of breaking down, so your new tooth could last for decades, possibly even a lifetime! We plan and guide the placement with digital technology, ensuring your new root sits at the right angle and position to secure a new tooth (or teeth).

The Abutment

Now once we have your new root in place, we need something to connect the crown with. Which is why we will connect an abutment to the implant, which extends above the gum line. We can connect a restoration to it, or place several on multiple posts to secure a bridge or even a full set of fixed dentures.


If you’re having a single tooth replaced, we could attach a crown. This restoration is custom-made for a lifelike appearance, and shaded to blend with the rest of your smile. The material can also absorb daily bite forces and withstand the pressure your natural ones do. We want you to be able to smile with confidence!


What if you have a more severe case of tooth loss? Then we could connect a bridge to your free-standing implant posts, so you receive a prosthetic without needing to remove structure from natural teeth for the crown portions. In addition, we could affix a full or partial denture into place too. This will help ensure you receive a denture that never slips when you eat or drink, and doesn’t need to be removed for cleaning or soaking. You then smile with absolute confidence and enjoy good oral health and function too! If you have any questions about addressing missing teeth with one or more dental implants, then contact our team today.

Ready to Replace Your Missing Teeth?

Implant dentistry provides a durable and lifelike option with greater longevity than other prosthetic selections. To learn more about our options for replacing missing teeth, then call James Stewart, DDS, dental implant office in Livonia, MI, at (734) 425-4400. We also serve the residents of Farmington, Plymouth, Dearborn Heights, and all surrounding communities.

