How We Utilize Dental Tech

If you look around, you’ll notice how much technology is advancing. From smartphones to advanced TVs to the cars we drive, our tech is evolving so quickly. This often leads to marked quality of life improvements; could you imagine going back ten years and having to readjust to the lesser technology? It would be undoubtedly tough. Similarly, dental tech has also advanced which allows us to provide more precise dental implant care in an exceedingly efficient and comfortable way. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist discusses our dental technology and the ways we utilize it for the different services we provide.

Trios Intraoral Scanners

One of the most important steps of any dental procedure is having a great sense of our patients’ unique needs. No two mouths are the same, so it is crucial that we fully understand the nuances of their mouths and teeth. In the past, we took impressions with a thick, goopy liquid that you would bite into. We could then map out your smile using this and create prosthetics and implants accordingly. If you have experienced these molds, you know how uncomfortable they can be. However, now we are proud to use Trios Intraoral Scanners, which allows us to digitally scan your mouth to create highly precise prosthetics or implants ranging from bridges to dentures to crowns and more. Our scanners work quickly and are much more comfortable for you. They also allow us to more accurately color-match any prosthetic you receive to your natural teeth.

Cleaning The Air You Breathe

Now, perhaps more than ever, it is important to feel confident about the quality of the air you breathe. With the assistance of Surgically Clean Air Units, we are able to remove airborne pollutants, pathogens, and particulates via their multiple filters. When you breathe air in our office you will notice how fresh and clean it feels. We want all of our patients to feel safe and secure in our office, and providing the cleanest possible air is a great way to do it. We follow all the CDC guidelines pertaining to the Coronavirus, but it is impossible to be too safe and cautious. No matter what procedure you need, we will always do everything we can to ensure you are safe and at ease. 

Contact Us To Learn More About Our Dental Technology

Our advanced tech will help make your implant procedures as comfortable and quick as possible. If you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call James Stewart, DDS, dental implant office in Livonia, MI, at (734) 425-4400. We also serve the residents of Farmington, Plymouth, Dearborn Heights, and all surrounding communities. We look forward to seeing you and providing our services in the safest possible manner.

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