Securing Your Bridge With Dental Implants

Dental implants don’t just replace an individual missing tooth. Our team can use one or two to support a bridge, or several to fix a set of partial dentures in place. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist talks about how we secure bridges and partial dentures with dental implants.

The Dangers of Untreated Tooth Loss

When you lose more than one tooth, this can impact how clearly you speak and even lead to limits in your meal options. Advanced tooth loss also means a more substantial breakdown in the mass and density of your jaw, a complication linked to further tooth loss and eventually, a prematurely aged appearance. But with implant dentistry, we can support prosthetics and protect your smile from these complications, so you can enjoy optimal health and smile beauty, and a bite that functions properly and prevents issues with your overall quality of life.

Dental Implant Stability

Dental implants are small posts made from biocompatible titanium. These are screw-like in appearance and surgically inserted into your jaw at specific areas and positions to support a prosthetic and also stimulate the growth of bone structure, as your body sees these as new roots, and resumes the flow of calcium and phosphorus that typically ends with the loss of a tooth root. This preserves your jaw and facial structure, and keeps your new prosthetics to stay in place for decades to come, or even a lifetime in some cases.

Bridges and Partials

A bridge can address between two and four missing teeth in a row. The prosthetic contains new teeth with crowns on each end, and is made from ceramic, a material that looks natural and absorbs daily bite forces with ease. Our team will connect the crown portions to the implants with abutments, which firmly supports your new prosthetic. For partials, we could address multiple gaps spread out across your arch, a case of tooth loss too advanced for a bridge, but not severe enough to require a complete dental prosthetic. Partials are designed to look natural and also offer a comfortable fit of the gaps in your smile so you can eat and speak easily and enjoy results that look natural.

When you suffer from minor or advanced tooth loss, or even total loss, don’t live with the impacts of your missing teeth. Instead, talk to our team about possible positions., We want to help you smile with confidence again and enjoy optimal oral health. Everything starts with an initial examination, so contact our team today to start your journey to a full smile again.


To book a checkup or a consultation for a lifelike and durable dental implant, call Dr. Stewart’s team today. You can call our office in Livonia, MI, at 734-425-4400.

