Your Smile May Benefit From Mini Implants

What if following the loss of multiple teeth, you also lose mass and density in your jawbone? You could end up with structure not stable enough to support dental implants, which complicates your treatment. Fortunately, your Livonia, MI, dentist knows how to offer a mini option to help people with severe tooth loss enjoy a full smile again.

The Difference Going Mini Offers

When we lose our teeth, the body responds by preventing the further flow of key nutrients to the bone tissue around the missing roots. Without calcium and phosphorus, the bone tissue begins to break down, losing mass and density. Over time, this complication is linked to further tooth loss and an aged appearance. In addition, you could not have enough bone tissue to properly support one or more traditional dental implants, limiting treatment without first undergoing a ridge augmentation or sinus lift to repair what has been lost. Fortunately, with minis we have smaller, more economical options that don’t require as much tissue for support. You then enjoy the benefits of implant dentistry without requiring oral surgery to rebuild the lost portions of your jawbone.

Stimulating Jawbone Growth

Once we insert these mini-implants into the jawbone, the body will see them as natural roots, since we create them biocompatible titanium. The resulting osseointegration will begin stimulating the growth of bone tissue as the flow of nutrients resumes. You avoid further loss of mass and density, and preserve your facial structure to prevent further tooth loss or an aged appearance. Your new toot or teeth could then last for decades to come, or even a lifetime in some cases.

Attaching Your Prosthetic

That covers the roots, but what about the part people see when you smile? Each crown or bridge/denture we attach will be custom-made to ensure perfect bite balance and a natural appearance. We want you to smile with confidence, and also eat your favorite foods again and speak without complication. For some, we could attach a prosthetic in the same visit. If you have any questions about the causes of tooth loss, or about addressing one or more lost teeth, then contact our team today. We want to protect your smile form major complications, and could lose to see you for treatment soon. Let’s work together to make big, possible changes to your smile in 2021!


Even if you have lost teeth and jawbone structure, we can often help with a smaller version of traditional dental implants. To learn more about filling the empty gaps in your smile, then call James Stewart, DDS, dental implant office in Livonia, MI, at (734) 425-4400. We also serve the residents of Farmington, Plymouth, Dearborn Heights, and all surrounding communities.

