What Makes A Dental Implant Look Natural?

When you suffer from one or more missing teeth, then your overall oral health suffers and you could develop serious complications, including an aged appearance and further tooth loss. In order to address tooth loss with a long-lasting solution, and one that looks natural, your Livonia, MI, dentist may suggest a dental implant. But what makes them such a natural-looking replacement option?

The Implant Placement Process

First, let’s talk about the dental implants themselves. A screw-like device made from titanium, a biocompatible material, a dental implant is inserted into the jawbone through oral surgery. Over a period of three to four months, the dental implant will actually bond with the jawbone tissue like a natural tooth root. This process stimulates the growth of jawbone tissue and prevents the loss of mass and density that often follows untreated tooth loss. A a result, they can last for decades, possibly a lifetime. However, this is just the root portion. What about the visible portion, the portion that must absorb serious bite forces and offer an esthetically-pleasing appearance?

Single Tooth Restorations

For an individual tooth replacement, we will add an abutment and attach a dental crown. The crown itself will be crafted based on detailed impressions taken of your smile, this ensures not only a lifelike appearance but a comfortable fit as well. The crown will likely be created from ceramic, or other lifelike materials. Not only will it absorb bite forces and pressure, but the material is translucent like tooth enamel and can be shaded to blend with surrounding teeth. When you leave, your smile will appear full and attractive, and you will be able to enjoy your favorite foods once again!

Bridges and Dentures

If you’ve lost more than one of your teeth, then you will likely need more than just a single tooth dental implant. Instead, we could insert multiple ones into your jawbone and then attach a prosthetic to provide a full and healthy smile once more. Again, taking impressions and using lifelike materials, we can create a bridge or a denture. We attach the prosthetic to the implants, which provides a fixed prosthetic that could last decades, instead of just 5 to 10 years. With the dentures, you can enjoy new teeth that never slip and you eat or speak, and provide greater stability and a more lifelike appearance. No need to remove them for cleaning or soaking either! If you have any questions about minor or severe tooth loss, or about the implant placement process or our lifelike restoration, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Missing Teeth?

With implant placement, we can help you enjoy solutions for minor and extensive tooth loss. To learn more, call the James Stewart, DDS, dental implant office in Livonia, MI, at (734) 425-4400. We also serve the residents of Farmington, Plymouth, Dearborn Heights, and all surrounding communities.

