Improving Smiles With Teeth In A Day!

At one time, securing your dentures with dental implants meant multiple visits, with placement taking place in one sitting, and the final prosthetic being placed after several months. However, your Livonia, MI, dentist can actually help address advanced tooth loss with lifelike and durable teeth in a day!

Dental Implants in One Visit

If you have lost several of your teeth, or all of them, then we will carefully examine your smile with advanced technology to assess the state of your jawbone tissue. We then insert four dental implants per arch, specially placed to absorb pressure and bite forces while also stimulating the growth of jawbone tissue, a process that helps prevent the aged appearance often associated with advanced tooth loss. Typically, after placement up to four months would be required before placing the prosthetic portion. However, with this option we can place your new teeth instantly, attaching a denture that is fixed and will never slip when you eat or speak. Since the implants themselves act as new tooth roots, this means your denture could last decades, possibly a lifetime, compared to removable dentures that need replacement after about 5 to 10 years. When you leave the office after your procedure, you will do so with a complete and sturdy smile, one that will allow you to eat your favorite foods again and smile with confidence!

Are Same Day Dental Implants Right For Me?

We typically recommend this option for people suffering from advanced cases of tooth loss. If you’ve only lost a single tooth, or three to four in a row, we may suggest an individual dental implant or possibly an implant-secured bridge. However, for those missing a majority of them, we can remove the remaining teeth and secure a complete denture with specially placed implants in one sitting. We will take a number of factors into account before we proceed, such as the stability of your jawbone tissue, which begins breaking down as a result of tooth loss, and the presence of underlying health issues, such as periodontitis, which could impact stability.

How Do I Care for My New Smile?

We will provide detailed aftercare instructions as your smile heals and adjusts to your new prosthetic, and will also schedule routine visit every few months to monitor your smile and perform treatments to remove plaque and combat issues that threaten your new smile. You should care for your teeth daily, just as you would for your natural ones, and enjoy healthier food and drink options to prevent inflammation and other complications.

Ready to Obtain a Complete Smile Again?

Our team would like to help you enjoy a full and lifelike smile in just one sitting with implant dentistry. To learn more, call the James Stewart, DDS, dental implant office in Livonia, MI, at (734) 425-4400. We also serve the residents of Farmington, Plymouth, Dearborn Heights, and all surrounding communities.
