What Causes Dental Implants to Fail?

As the most successful tooth replacement option today, dental implants have enjoyed an astounding 95% success rate in the decades since they were introduced. The biocompatible titanium posts, which serve as prosthetic replacements for lost teeth roots, offer unmatched stability and comfort, as well as improving long-term oral health following tooth loss. However, in rare cases, certain factors can cause dental implants to fail, forcing patients to reconsider their options. Fortunately, dental implant failure is uncommon, and to further ensure the success of your treatment, Dr. Stewart will perform a comprehensive examination to determine if you’re an ideal candidate.

Dental Implant Failure

Failed osseointegration

Osseointegration is the process of your jawbone structure fusing to the biocompatible implant post as it heals. After your implants are placed, your jawbone integrates to the titanium posts, making them a permanent part of your oral health. If osseointegration fails, however, then your implants will grow loose and will not be able to support your restoration.

Insufficient jawbone density

The risks of loose implants and failed osseointegration are higher for patients with insufficient jawbone strength and density. If you’ve experienced severe gum disease, then the disease may have caused erosion in your jawbone. If it’s been a while since you’ve lost teeth, then the loss of their roots may have caused jawbone erosion due to a lack of stimulation and nutrients.

Infection around the implant (peri-implantitis)

Conditions like gum disease and tooth decay are caused by excessive oral bacteria, and if oral bacteria are present at a dental implant site, it may lead to peri-implantitis. The condition may also develop due to improper hygiene long after an implant has been placed. Like healthy, natural teeth, dental implants require routine care at home and regular attention at your dentist’s office.

With the expertise of a skilled implant dentist, you have a greater chance of avoiding dental implant failure and enjoying your beautiful new smile for life! To schedule a consultation, call Dr. James Stewart’s implant dental office in Livonia, MI today at (734) 425-4400.
