What Benefits Do Implant Dentures Offer?

When a person loses most, or all, of his/her teeth, then dentures are typically recommended. In the past, removable dentures were the only option for restoring patients’ ability to eat and smile. Fortunately, we can offer a more advanced and secure alternative: implant dentures. What benefits do implant dentures off patients?

Added Security

Since they are not removable and are held in place with implants, there is no need to worry about them slipping during meals or when speaking. These can be a great relief to anyone who has experienced this embarrassment in the past. This added security is due to the fact that the implants bond with the jawbone like natural tooth roots.

Lifelike Appearance

The prosthetics that we attach to the implants will be custom-made based on impressions gathered of your smile. We want your new teeth to look natural and reflect your unique facial structure. The prosthetic consists of a row of replacement teeth that can withstand bite pressures and other forces. The base is designed using acrylic to mimic the appearance of natural gum tissue. Altogether, your new teeth will blend with your smile.

Long Lasting Smile Improvement

Typically, a denture lasts between five and ten years. Losing teeth means the body suspends the flow of key nutrients to the jawbone. Without calcium and phosphorus, the bone structure breaks down. The added of pressure of prosthetics resting on the gums can hasten this degradation.

However, implants stimulate the growth of jawbone pressure. Since they are recognized as natural roots, the body resumes the flow of nutrients. As a result, your prosthetic won’t need periodic replacement and with proper care and attention, can potentially last a lifetime. If you have any questions about our tooth replacement options, then please contact our office today.
