Renew Your Confidence With Dental Implants

Have you received a diagnosis requiring the extraction of one or more of your natural teeth? If so, you may be looking into your options in a prosthodontic replacement, and one of the most popular methods in this endeavor is through the placement of an elegant new dental implant. This technique takes advantage of a specific biochemical process known as osseointegration to bring you a beautiful solution that is designed to last!

Speak with Dr. James R. Stewart, Jr, DDS in Livonia, MI about your options, and see if a dental implant is the right choice for your smile. This process allows you to have a prosthodontic replacement that derives its strength from a sturdy connection to the bone of your jaw, rather than relying on support from your existing teeth. We can help you to understand the process, while helping you along every step of the way. Discover how a dental implant can help you to regain the confidence in your oral health!

How Dental Implants Work To Bring You Lasting Stability

One of the most exciting advantages of a new dental implant is its ability to create a strong connection to the bone of your jaw. Through a specific biochemical process known as osseointegration, your body accepts titanium rather than rejecting it. For this reason, your provider will place a threaded post using this metal within the bone tissue of your jaw. During your short period of recovery, you will grow a snug and secure bond, which forms the foundation for your prosthetic replacement.

This approach means that your new solution does not rely upon your existing teeth in order to stay in place. Instead, you have the opportunity to expand your solution if necessary, which can be helpful for those experiencing illness or age-related tooth loss.

Dental Implants Help You Limit Resorption Of Your Jaw

When you lose a tooth, your body will start to pull its resources from that area of your mouth, which can lead to the loss of bone mass. Since dental implants use a durable titanium post within your bone, you can keep the resorption of your jaw to a minimum. This means that you can work to retain your profile appearance without significant change to your facial shape. Dental implants can provide a durable and elegant method of smile repair, so reach out to your provider in order to see if this solution fits your needs!

A Biocompatible Dental Implant Solution In Livonia, MI

If you have questions about the implant process, do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. James R. Stewart, Jr, DDS! Speak with a member of our team at (734)425-4400, and start your journey toward lasting oral health strength and grace.
