The Three Major Parts Of Your Dental Implant

Each dental implant we use to address tooth loss contains three major parts, and each part aids in the replacement of missing teeth and the lifelike appearance and function of these prosthetics. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist talks about we address missing teeth and rebuild your smile with a long-lasting replacement option!

The Post

Let’s talk about the part that gives an implant its name. The post is screw-like in appearance, and is made from a biocompatible titanium material. This means the body will accept it as natural root structure. This portion is surgically inserted into the jawbone, set at an angle and position to support a crown or prosthetic and act as a new root. The jawbone will bond with it, stimulating the growth of structure to prevent the further tooth loss and aged appearance that usually follows tooth loss. As a result, your prosthetic can last for decades for possibly even a lifetime!

The Abutment

Once the implant portion is placed and the placement area heals, we will move forward with addressing the rest of your new tooth. An abutment is then connected to the post, which then extends above the gum line. This is what we attach the crown or prosthetic to, securing it firmly to the new root so you have a fixed denture or tooth, one that can last far longer than bridges or removable dentures.

The Restoration

For an individual one, we can create a crown that is custom-made to blend with the smile and also absorbs daily bite forces with ease. Your bite is now full and balanced, and you can smile with confidence and eat your favorite foods again.

What About Prosthetics?

What if you have more than one missing tooth? We could recommend a dental bridge to support between two and four missing teeth, and this doesn’t need the removal of natural tooth structure to support them! We can also secure a full or partial set of dentures, which don’t need to be removed for cleaning or soaking, and can last for decades instead of just five years. We want you to smile with confidence and enjoy optimal oral health and function again!

If you have any questions about how we treat missing teeth, or about our lifelike and durable dental implants, then contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Have Questions About Implant Dentistry?

We would like to help people suffering from tooth loss enjoy a full smile again with advanced treatment options! To learn more about how we address gaps in your smile, then call James Stewart, DDS, dental implant office in Livonia, MI, at (734) 425-4400. We also serve the residents of Farmington, Plymouth, Dearborn Heights, and all surrounding communities.

