Mini Implants For People With Lost Jawbone Strength

Over time, tooth loss could impact the strength of the jawbone and make the placement of one or more dental implants a difficult prospect. However, your Livonia, MI, dentist also offers Mini Implants, so even those with compromised jawbone structure can still enjoy long-lasting tooth replacement that also preserves your facial structure!

The Loss of Your Jawbone’s Density

When we lose a tooth, this doesn’t just mean an embarrassing gap in our smiles. Over time, the body will suspend the flow of certain nutrients to the jawbone around the missing root. Without these doses, the bone tissue loses mass and density. This loss could cause the bone tissues to break down, leading to further tooth loss and an aged appearance. A lack of strength in your bone tissue also means that placing traditional dental implants could be problematic!

The Complications for Dental Implants

You need a certain amount of bone tissue to support dental implants, since we insert the biocompatible titanium posts into the smile like roots. Without enough tissue to support them, even the stimulation of bone tissue that does occur leaves them vulnerable to failure. You may first need to undergo treatment to rebuild your jaw, including ridge augmentation or sinus lifts. However, our team also offers a unique implant option that can be placed in smiles that have lost mass and density!

The Mini Alternative

First, we will need to understand the causes of your tooth loss. If you have periodontitis, we may need to offer treatment to manage the issue before we move forward. Managing your periodontal issues helps prevent further tooth loss, and ensures the success of your replacement teeth. Our Mini Implants are smaller, more economical versions of the traditional titanium posts, and require less jawbone tissue to support. The placement process is less involved, and requires less healing time, so we can attach a crown or prosthetic sooner, helping you enjoy a complete smile again. With routine care afterward, we help protect both your natural teeth and your newly placed ones.

If you have any questions about how we address tooth loss, or about our mini options, then contact our team today. Don’t live with tooth loss, talk to us about possible solutions so you can smile with confidence once again!

Ready to Try Implant Dentistry?

Just because you’ve lost mass and density in your jawbone doesn’t mean you can’t still receive tooth replacement with dental implants. To learn more about how our team addresses missing teeth and the options we have available for each of our patients, then call James Stewart, DDS, dental implant office in Livonia, MI, at (734) 425-4400. We also serve the residents of Farmington, Plymouth, Dearborn Heights, and all surrounding communities.


