Ensuring Patient Comfort With Sedation Dentistry

Dental implant last much longer than bridges or removable dentures, and provide a greater level of stability. This is possible because they’re made from biocompatible titanium and inserted into the jawbone. Since this requires oral surgery, we want to make sure our patients feel comfortable throughout the entire placement process. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist discusses our use of sedation dentistry.

Nitrous Oxide

Before we recommend sedation, we will take a look at your current health, your medical history, and other factors, such as whether you have dental anxiety, and discuss the best choice for you. Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a common method recommended for people of all ages. We place a comfortable mask over your nose and you breathe in a special gas, which invokes a relaxed, almost euphoric feeling. You will be able to respond to the dentist’s prompts, but will have no memory of the treatment process. The effects will wear off as soon as we remove the mask, which means you can return to your normal activities and even drive yourself home or back to work!

Oral Sedation

For a deeper state of relaxation, we opt for oral conscious sedation. Instead of a gas, we administer a pill or liquid the night and morning before your procedure. We suggest avoiding large meals in the eight hours before your visit. You will be conscious and able to respond, but will have little to no memory of the procedure itself. The effects will take time to wear off, so you may feel a bit groggy when the placement procedure ends, so you will need a friend or family member to bring you home.

IV Sedation

The strongest form of relaxation is with intravenous sedation. We deliver the sedative directly into your bloodstream, and a trained anesthesiologist will be on hand to monitor you throughout the process. You will have no memory of the procedure, and again, will need a friend or family member to bring you home. We may combine this with oral conscious sedatives as well. If you have any questions about our calming options, or about the process of addressing minor or severe tooth loss with implant dentistry, then contact our team today. We want to help you enjoy your time in our office, and leave with a full and beautiful smile!


We want to make sure patients feel comfortable and relaxed during their visit, whether they’re receiving a single tooth dental implant, or a set of dentures. To learn more about addressing missing teeth with dental implants, then call James Stewart, DDS, dental implant office in Livonia, MI, at (734) 425-4400. We also serve the residents of Farmington, Plymouth, Dearborn Heights, and all surrounding communities.

