Does Your Smile Need Teeth-In-A-Day?

The dental implant placement process is often a lengthy one, as there are separate appointments for implant post placement and restoration, with as much as three to four months in between these visits. However! Your Livonia, MI, dentist has an alternative. Teeth-In-A-Day means we place lifelike implant dentures in only one sitting!

The Risks Posed by Missing Teeth

When you lost most of your teeth, this impacts your ability to eat and speak. You could be forced to rely mainly on soft foods, and end up depriving yourself of not only your favorite foods, but essential vitamins and nutrients too. For others, speaking clearly is tough. Your body will also respond to the lack of tooth roots by suspending the flow of calcium and phosphorus to the jawbone. Without these nutrients, the bone tissue itself breaks down, losing mass and density. You then develop a noticeably aged appearance.

Candidacy for Teeth-In-A-Day

We start by using digital technology to make a thorough examination of your smile. We want to not only address the cause and extent of your tooth loss, but also make sure you have enough jawbone tissue to support a new smile. Fortunately, this option often relies on as little as four implants per arch, so even if you lose structure in your jawbone you could still be a candidate! If the loss of mass and density in the bone structure is very substantial, then you may first need a bone grafting or ridge augmentation procedure.

Restoring Your Smile

Th first step involves carefully removing any remaining teeth or past implants or bridges. We then insert about four dental implant post per arch. They act as new tooth roots, so the body begins providing calcium and phosphorus again stimulating the growth of bone tissue to support your new smile and prevent an aged appearance. We then create and place a new prosthetic, such as a denture, in the same visit. You will leave with a full and functional smile, one you can’t wait to show off to the world! If you have any questions about how we address missing teeth, or about the teeth-in-a-day process, then contact our team today. We’re ready to help you maintain a whole, healthy, and beautiful smile!


Our team would like to help address the gaps in your smile with a lifelike replacement option that takes only one visit to complete. We also have mini-implants and other options to address minor and severe cases of tooth loss. To learn more about treating advanced cases of tooth loss, then call James Stewart, DDS, dental implant office in Livonia, MI, at (734) 425-4400. We also serve the residents of Farmington, Plymouth, Dearborn Heights, and all surrounding communities.

