The Dangers Of Living With Tooth Loss

When we lose one or more of our natural teeth, this leaves behind embarrassing gaps in our smile. Along with the negative changes to our appearance, losing teeth means poor oral health too! In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist will explain why you should contact us if you lose even a single natural tooth!

The Causes of Missing Teeth

Why do we lose our natural teeth as we grow older? Well, with proper care and attention, many of us could preserve our teeth. Often, we lose them as a result of poor oral health. Lack of proper care at home or visits for checkups and cleanings to the dentist allows plaque buildup to accumulate, weakening enamel and inflaming gum tissue. Eroded enamel means tooth decay and infections, which could cause missing teeth. The buildup also means gum disease, and the advanced stage of the disease, periodontitis, leads to adult tooth loss. At the moment, studies from the Centers for Disease Control show that half of adults 30 and older suffer from some form of the disease, which makes this the most common cause of adult tooth loss.

Long-Term Health Impacts

In the short-term, many people look at missing teeth as a mainly esthetic issue, one that causes embarrassment. But as the loss of your teeth worsens, this could mean trouble speaking clearly, and even difficulty eating a variety of foods, forcing many to subsist on soft foods and depriving their body of essential nutrients. Missing teeth also strain the bite balance and the jaw joints, leading to painful issues like TMJ disorder and even bruxism (teeth grinding). The body also responds to missing teeth by suspending the flow of calcium and phosphorus to the jawbone. Without these nutrients, the bone tissue in the jaw loses mass and density, eventually causing an older appearance, including sunken cheeks and ptotic chins.

The Dental Implant Benefits

Dental implants are the optimal choice for addressing tooth loss. They’re more secure than traditional bridges or dentures, and last for decades as opposed to 5 to 10 years. In addition, the body recognizes the dental implants we insert into the jawbone as natural tooth roots, which means the flow of calcium and phosphorus resumes and the loss of bone tissue is halted. If you have any questions about the factors behind lost teeth, or the dangers of not addressing missing teeth, then contact our team today.


We want to help you enjoy a healthy and attractive smile by replacing missing teeth with implant-secured prosthetics. To learn more about addressing your missing teeth, then call James Stewart, DDS, dental implant office in Livonia, MI, at (734) 425-4400. We also serve the residents of Farmington, Plymouth, Dearborn Heights, and all surrounding communities.
