Seeking Implants: How One Visit Changes Everything! 

You might find that when you spend any time even entertaining the idea of receiving dental implants, you immediately assume it’s going to take quite a lot of time, lots and lots of visits, and a ton of effort to achieve anything. While it’s true that implants can mean a somewhat more time-consuming experience with completing your smile, our Livonia, MI team reminds you that on the flip side of that fact is the following: You can accomplish so much in just one visit with us that it just might be time to rethink your initial outlook. Learn more!

It Takes Just One Visit To Learn A Lot

When you haven’t seen us about dental implants, you have lots of ideas about dental implants floating around in your mind. You may have ideas about what they look like, how they work, how they will work for your smile, what it means to receive them, how much they cost, when you can get started (and finish) your treatment, and more. However, what you don’t have is lots of answers that are factual in nature and that help you decide whether or not to truly pursue implants or find another tooth replacement solution. All of that can change with just one implant consultation with us! So, come in to gather more information soon.

It Takes Just One Implant Placement Procedure

Did you ever think about the fact that it takes just one dental implant placement procedure to go from being someone without implants to being someone with them? Keep this in mind, if you tend to become somewhat bogged down by the details of an implant journey. It’s much more streamlined than you may imagine and you can easily make serious progress in just a few steps. Learn more about your candidacy and whether it’s time for placement by coming in to see our team soon!

It Takes Just One Visit For Teeth In A Day

Forget thinking about the usual approach to dental implants for just a moment and instead, consider the fact that for some patients, it’s possible to receive a particular type of tooth replacement supported by implants in just one day. Yep, it’s called Teeth In A Day for a reason and it may be something that can work for you. Discover more by seeing us!

Schedule A Visit For Serious Implant Progress

Remember that seeing us for just one visit can have a serious impact on your ability to move forward in your dental implant journey! Complete your smile soon by learning everything you need to know! James Stewart, DDS, and our team serve patients from Livonia, MI and the surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (734) 425-4400.
