Implants: Essentially, They’re For Everyone! 

One of your biggest fears, once tooth loss has entered your life, may be the thought of not qualifying for dental implants! Of course, there are lots of other ways to replace missing teeth but you love the fact that with implants, you can truly replace the whole of your tooth, including your roots. So, is there actually just an elite, tiny group of people who qualify (potentially leaving you feeling very disappointed), you wonder? Fortunately, the answer is no. Actually, implants are something that just about anyone can consider. Better understand why our Livonia, MI team says this with some quick info.

If Your Smile Is Ready Today

If your smile is in exceptional condition at this very moment, aside from the fact that you are missing teeth, of course, then you’re ready for dental implants. When we say exceptional condition, we mean that you have a full, strong jawbone that’s healthy and prepared for dental implant placement. You’re not dealing with any ongoing issues, such as periodontal disease or decay in remaining teeth that have not been addressed. Your smile is healthy, so you probably qualify!

If Your Smile Is Not Ready Today

Here’s what trips many patients up, as they start worrying about candidacy: They guess that their smile right now is what we use now and for all time as our basis for your qualifying (or not qualifying). However, this isn’t how considering dental implants works! It’s true that you may come in and discover that today, you aren’t a good candidate. However, you may find out that you do qualify for a different treatment than you expected, such as teeth in a day. Or, we will provide you with the pathway that you will need to take in order to eventually turn into a very good candidate for implants (which may require dental treatment, jawbone grafting, etc., depending on your needs).

How To Get Your Answers

See us. It’s that easy. We know that you may want to stay away and continue thinking about dental implants, as you remind yourself that as long as you don’t have an answer, it’s still a possibility. However, we strongly suggest you get an answer from us very soon, instead, so you can get started with implants or get going with the care you need in order to improve your candidacy!

Learn Even More About Implant Candidacy

Take time to come in, to hear about dental implants, to discuss your candidacy, and to find out the steps you need to take in order to qualify! Schedule a consultation to get started with replacing missing teeth. James Stewart, DDS, and our team serve patients from Livonia, MI call our office today at (734) 425-4400.
