Tip: Always Brush Twice Daily
You’ll always want to brush your smile daily. This goes for everyone! If you have dental implants, then you need to do so every day, twice a day. If you don’t have any implants, you still need to follow through with this guideline. As you have likely just realized, this means that you can go ahead and keep doing what you’ve always done in terms of the brushing part of your dental care to keep your smile healthy, once you have implants in place (fortunately, you still only need to floss once daily, too!).
Tip: Make Sure Your Brush Is New Enough
Is your brush new enough? While it’s extremely beneficial to brush your teeth twice daily, remembering to brush for two minutes each time you do so, you should know that you’re not going to be quite as successful with keeping your dental implants and entire smile safe unless you are using a brush that’s new enough. This one’s easy: We remind you to use a brush until it’s three to four months old and then start over with a fresh one!
Tip: Use A Soft-Bristle Brush!
Medium or hard bristles aren’t going to do you any favors in terms of dental care, whether you have no implants, multiple dental implants, or just one! Remember that soft-bristled toothbrushes are what you need in order to completely clean your smile of debris and plaque and without harming your tissues. Otherwise, you may actually cause injury and problems like erosion or gum recession!
Tip: Use Something That’s Effective
If you notice that your toothbrush just isn’t getting your smile very clean, try a new one! It’s worth the quick switch.
Brush Your Smile To Keep Implant Safe
Remember that protecting your dental implants today and for years to come is truly as simple as keeping up with your preventive dental care. Come in to learn more when you have questions, so you can enjoy success! James Stewart, DDS, and our team serve patients from Livonia, MI and the surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (734) 425-4400.