Implants: Questions You Don’t Have To Feel Weird Asking 

You might feel sort of funny asking certain questions of us. Of course, you know that our Livonia, MI team is always encouraging you to ask us anything that’s on your mind, as you’re learning about dental implants! However, you may still wonder: Do we really mean this? Or, are we just being nice? Allow us to reassure you when we say, we really are more than happy to provide answers to your questions about replacing your teeth with implants! We know it can feel like a very big decision, so we would like to help you feel as though you left no stone unturned!

What Makes Implants The Best Choice?

You probably hear quite a lot that dental implants are the best choice. You hear it from friends and family, you see it if you’re exploring online, and you may recognize that we tell you about the benefits with great enthusiasm! So, feel free to bring this up. In addition, remember that implants are not inherently best for you. However, they do offer advantages that other prosthetics do not and we would love to illuminate the details, should they provide you with the smile improvement you seek!

Can I Really Get Implants In One Day?

It’s possible to get dental implants in a single day when you select Teeth In A Day! However, we remind you that there’s more to this than simply option to have implants placed at once. Unlike selecting traditional implants, which can support any type of restoration, this treatment includes replacing multiple teeth with implants and dentures. This may or may not work for you (and, of course, you may or may not qualify). If you’re interested, remember to ask about this option!

Can You Help Me Make A Decision?

We know that you may feel a little shy about asking for our help when the goal is figuring out which dental implant treatment to choose for yourself! While the final, ultimate choice is yours, remember that we are always very happy to field your questions and to talk with you about the different ways a variety of solutions may impact your smile, your budget, etc. This will assist you in narrowing down the selections you have before you, so you can feel completely solid in the final path you take!

Let Us Know About Questions You Have

Don’t hide your questions from our friendly dental implant team, even if you feel a little silly asking them. Remember that we are here to provide you with not only the treatments you need but also with helpful education! James Stewart, DDS, and our team serve patients from Livonia, MI and the surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (734) 425-4400.
