Implant Placement: Comfortable As Can Be

You might discover that as much as you’re thrilled about dental implants, you are also a little bit extremely-very-afraid of the placement process. Here’s what we have to say in a nutshell: It will be completely comfortable, we will send you on your way with complete care and recovery instructions, and the only thing you should be feeling right now is optimistic anticipation! However, back to reality. Yes, it can cause some anxiety, and of course, we offer dental sedation!

About Sedation

Dental sedation is something that we provide our dental implant patients because the process of having your roots replaced can cause some nervousness. It also begins with a surgical procedure, which always calls for sedation. So, we encourage you to rest easy and remember that our goal is to guide you through this process, while keeping a smile on your face. Your comfort is of the utmost importance to our team.

Sedation Options

Now you know that we offer dental sedation but what exactly does that mean? Well, we know that you may be experiencing different levels of anxiety or jitters based on the part of the dental implant process you’ve reached. So, here’s what you can expect:

  • We offer nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, for mild anxiety
  • We offer oral sedation that you take by swallowing a pill, which offers a bit deeper relaxation (and is good for those who dislike injections)
  • We offer IV sedation, which will address even severe anxiety, so you can enjoy peaceful visits

Find Out More About Sedation At Your Visit

Learn more about your sedation options during your next dental implant visit. James Stewart, DDS, and our team serve patients from Livonia, MI, as well as Farmington Hills, Farmington, Plymouth, Northville, Novi, Dearborn Heights, Dearborn, Garden City, Westland, Redford, and the surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (734) 425-4400.
