Can Implants Replace Multiple Teeth?

Have you lost multiple permanent teeth? Instead of ignoring the issue and allowing complications to develop, such as an aged appearance, why not address the issue? We can use implants to replace multiple teeth, securing lifelike prosthetics and helping you enjoy a healthy and functional smile once again.

Try Our Quiz on Implant Prosthetics

  1. True or False: A variety of issues can lead to tooth loss.
  2. True or False: Multiple missing teeth can lead to facial collapse.
  3. True or False: We can offer implant bridges.
  4. True or False: We can provide fixed dentures.

Answer Key

  1. True. Tooth loss may be the result of injury. However, poor oral hygiene leading to the onset of periodontitis is the most common cause. Periodontitis is the advanced state of gum disease, one in which the disease dissolves the connective tissue between the teeth and gums, leading to the loss of one or more teeth.
  2. True. The body suspends the flow of calcium and phosphorus to the jawbone surrounding the lost tooth. Without these nutrients, the jawbone tissue dissolves, leading to an aged appearance due to facial collapse.
  3. True. An implant bridge allows us to address up to three lost teeth in a row. Surrounding teeth won’t need to lose structure to make room for crowns, as the implants act as new roots. In the process, they stimulate jawbone growth and prevent further facial collapse.
  4. True. If you have lost all of your teeth, then we can place implant dentures. We have traditional implant-retained dentures and teeth-in-a-day using the All-on-4 method. Both options can return your ability to eat and speak without difficulty. If you have any questions about dental implants, then contact our office today.