How Do You Restore Dental Implants?

When we place a new tooth, we always include a restoration to ensure the replacement blends with the smile seamlessly. How do we restore dental implants? What do we use to provide a strong, lifelike, and long lasting replacement tooth?

Placement and Osseointegration

First, we need to place the new tooth. After we choose the best part of the jaw for placement, an oral surgeon will then insert the implant into the jawbone. Once in place, we will need to wait for the area to heal. This process takes between three and six months. During this time, osseointegration takes place. This process allows the jawbone and dental implant to bond, securing the new tooth like a natural one.

Dental Crowns

After the placement area heals, we will complete the new tooth by replacing the visible portion. For a single tooth implant, we will create a lifelike and custom-made dental crown. We then add an abutment to hold the restoration in place. The crown will be made from ceramic, a strong and stain-resistant material that mimics the appearance of natural tooth enamel. With proper care and attention, your restoration, and your new tooth, can last a lifetime.


In some cases, we help patients that have lost multiple teeth, if not all of them. We will need to place multiple dental implant posts. If the patient suffers from loss of jawbone density, we may also suggest mini implants or possibly the All-on-4 option. We then create a lifelike prosthetic that snaps onto the implant, securing the dentures. The new teeth will not slip and do not require removal for cleaning or maintenance. If you have any questions about replacing missing teeth, then please contact our office today.
