I Lost a Tooth; Should I Get a Bridge or Dental Implant?

Like most dental treatments, replacing a lost tooth comes with options – mainly, a dental bridge or a dental implant and crown. While both are beautiful, effective restorations, a dental implant is often the best choice, though not always. The choice between a bridge and a dental implant to replace a lost tooth depends on several  factors, which your dentist can help you determine during your diagnostic examination.

The Difference

A dental bridge is a common prosthetic choice, and has been for centuries. Modern bridges consist of a replacement tooth, or pontic, bordered by two dental crowns that are bonded to the healthy teeth on either side of the space.

A dental implant describes a small post that is inserted into the jawbone, and then topped with a lifelike dental crown to replace the root and crown of your lost tooth. Unlike a bridge, an implant and crown can restore your smile without needing to modify healthy teeth for support.

Are You a Candidate for an Implant?

There are several factors that help decide if an implant is the right tooth replacement choice. For instance, if the teeth nearby need restorative or cosmetic treatment, then a bridge may be preferable. Also, weak areas of jawbone may need to be strengthened through grafting before an implant post can be surgically inserted.

If you’ve lost a tooth, then your dentist will perform a thorough examination to help you determine whether you should choose a dental bridge or implant to replace it.
