An Implant Solution For A Missing Tooth

When you have even one lost tooth, this could even lead to serious trouble for your oral health, smile function, and even the appearance of your smile. Which is why we want to help with an option designed to address individual missing teeth. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist talks about our dental implants and crowns.

The Dangers Even a Single Missing Tooth Could Cause

Losing one tooth may not seem major, but this could cause the teeth to begin to drift due to their gap, a complication linked to dental misalignment. Poor alignment alone has been shown to increase the risks of tooth decay and gum disease, as brushing and flossing is more difficult. The changes to your bite balance due to a lost tooth could also make the onset of TMJ disorder and bruxism (chronic teeth grinding) more likely as well. You could also feel embarrassed about your smile, which harms your overall quality of life. The gradual loss of jawbone structure around the missing tooth as the body suspends the flow of calcium and phosphates to the surrounding bone tissue could also mean further tooth loss down the road.

Dental Implants

To begin addressing this gap, we can plan the placement and guide the process with digital technology, inserting a biocompatible titanium post into the jawbone. The body accepts this as natural tooth structure, and it bonds with the jaw through osseointegration. This enables it to last for decades and prevent the loss of mass and density that causes further tooth loss. Your implant acts like a natural root, ready to support a crown for decades to come, possibly even a lifetime.

Dental Crowns

Once the placement area heals, we will attach an abutment to the post. This extends above the gum line and is what we will connect the custom-made restoration to. The crown will be designed to look natural and blend with the rest of the teeth seamlessly. It will also fit properly and provide a balanced and even bite. You will be able to smile with confidence, eat your favorite foods, and care for your new tooth as you would a natural one. If you have any questions about how we treat issues like tooth loss with implant dentistry, or if you have a gap that needs attention, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to address your missing tooth soon!

Ready for a Full Smile Again?

A full smile promotes better oral health and means a more attractive smile too. To learn more about how we address even minor cases of tooth loss, then call James Stewart, DDS, dental implant office in Livonia, MI, at (734) 425-4400. We also serve the residents of Farmington, Plymouth, Dearborn Heights, and all surrounding communities.

