The Vital Parts Of Your Dental Implant

A dental implant is very different from removable dentures or a crown-secured dental bridge. They have the potential to last much longer, and provide a lifelike appearance and greater stability. But what makes this possible? In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist is looking at the vital components of your dental implant.

Addressing Your Tooth Loss

When we lose one tooth, or if we lose several, the health of our smile is threatened. Serious complications could arise, and major negative changes could also develop that impact not only our smile’s appearance, but our overall facial structure too! If you suffer from the loss of one or more natural teeth, please let us know as soon as possible.

The Three Parts of Your New Tooth

  1. Implant Post: The post is similar in appearance to a screw, and created from titanium. Not only is titanium strong, but the material is also biocompatible and seen as natural root structure by the body. This enables osseointegration to occur, securing it like a natural root and allowing the new implant to last for decades with care and attention. We place to ensure your new tooth can absorb daily bite pressure’s and provide a durable chewing surface.
  2. The Abutment: An abutment is attached to an individual implant to secure either a single restoration, to help secure a bridge or denture. The connection is placed under the gums and extend beyond the gum line. We then attach the visible portion of a new tooth or teeth, the portion people see when you smile!
  3. Your Restoration/Prosthetic: Once osseointegration occurs and an abutment is attached, we then connect the restoration or prosthetic. For an individual dental implant, a custom-made crown will act as the new visible portion of the tooth, created to look natural and absorb bite forces. If you have lost multiple teeth, then we will likely attach a bridge or denture. At this point, your new tooth is complete and you can smile with confidence! The process of placement and restoration could require a few months in between, or for some patients, we may be able to use All-On-4™ or mini-implants to complete the process in the same visit. If you have any questions about treating tooth loss with implant dentistry, then contact our team today!


Our team knows the dangers of missing teeth, and we want to keep smiles safe and whole with implant dentistry. To learn more about how we address missing teeth with custom implants, then call James Stewart, DDS, dental implant office in Livonia, MI, at (734) 425-4400. We also serve the residents of Farmington, Plymouth, Dearborn Heights, and all surrounding communities.

