New Year’s Countdown (Dental Implant Style)

As the new year makes its debut, many people think about what they could do differently in the coming year. If you have received dental implants in Livonia, MI (or are considering how dental implants might improve your life) we want to offer a New Year’s Eve countdown, dental implant style. Whether you decide to toast with a glass of champagne, sparkling cider or tooth-friendly water, grab a glass and get ready to welcome 2019!

Countdown: Three  Implant Parts

Dental implants consist of three parts:

  1. The post: which is carefully and precisely inserted into the jawbone to anchor the rest of the implant. After a period of weeks, the post will become fused to the bone of the jaw (a process called osseointegration.)
  2. The abutment: which is attached to the post once it has healed
  3. The restoration: this can be a single crown to replace a tooth, or a series of replacement teeth, anchored by several implants, in the case of an implant bridge or denture.

Countdown: Twice Daily Brushing

If this sounds suspiciously like the care you might give to your natural teeth, you are right! Once implants have fused into your jawbone, they can receive the same care as your natural teeth. If you weren’t a dedicated brusher (and flosser!) before, it’s time to acquire the habit. If you need tips on technique, ask any member of our caring dental team for a demonstration.

Countdown: One Day to a New Smile

Some patients may qualify for teeth in a day, a procedure that allows for extraction, implant placement, and restoration attachment in a single appointment. While not everyone is a candidate for this option, it may be right for you.

Implants Can Give You Your Best Smile Yet, in 2019

There are far more than three reasons to consider dental implants. Schedule an appointment to discuss the implant that might be right for you! James Stewart, DDS, and our team serve patients from Livonia, MI, as well as Farmington Hills, Farmington, Plymouth, Northville, Novi, Dearborn Heights, Dearborn, Garden City, Westland, Redford, and the surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (734) 425-4400.
