Avoid These Risky Dental Implant Habits

A dental implant can transform your smile. Whether it is one tooth, several teeth, or a full implant-supported denture, knowing you can smile, eat comfortably and speak clearly can be life-changing. The implant actually becomes a part of your jawbone through the process of osseointegration. While implants generally can be cared for just as you care for your natural teeth, they are not indestructible. Being smart with daily habits will keep your implant (and your smile) in its best condition.

Put A Stop to Teeth Grinding

It’s unlikely that occasional teeth grinding will affect an implant, but constant grinding can take a toll on even the must durable crown. Occasional jaw clenching and grinding may respond well to stress-relief effort such as yoga and meditiation. There are those who suffer from nighttime teeth grinding, unrelated to outside stress. A person who suffers from bruxism may clench and grind their teeth for hours each night, awakening with jaw pain, neck pain and more. Luckily, there is a solution. Your dentist can craft a custom filled appliance, to be worn at night to protect the teeth and jaws.

Don’t Chew on Non-Food Objects

While it is extremely unlikely an implant post will bend or break, the abutment (where the post and crown attach) and the crown itself can be chipped or bent if you use teeth as tools. Do not use teeth to crack nuts, open packaging, chew ice or do anything other than chew food (and smile!)

Don’t Skip Flossing

Infection at the implant site is unlikely, but you can reduce the chances to almost zero with proper dental hygiene. Your oral surgeon will advise you on care of the implant site, both in the immediate weeks after surgery, and after the site is fully healed.

Don’t Skip Checkups

Checkups allow your dentist and oral surgeon to keep a professional eye on you and your implant. Don’t skip out on these important visits!

Dental Implants are Designed to Last a Lifetime

Dental implants are a safe, secure and natural-looking way to restore a smile. Your behavior can help keep implants trouble-free for many years. To schedule a consultation, call Dr. James Stewart’s implant dental office in Livonia, MI today at (734) 425-4400.
