3 Dangers Of Tooth Loss

When you lose a tooth, you may feel very self-conscious about your appearance. We’ve had patients that have gone out of their way to avoid pictures or showing their smile. Tooth loss can mean trouble eating and difficulty communicating clearly. However, there are many other dangers related to tooth loss. If you lose one or more teeth, we recommend seeing your dentist to talk about dental implants and whether they are the right choice for your restoring your smile.

The Dangers of Tooth Loss

  1. Misalignment: Did you know tooth loss can sometimes lead to misalignment? When you lose one or more teeth then the remaining teeth may drift from position, leading to crooked or overlapping teeth. However, by replacing a lost tooth quickly with an implant you can avoid the onset of alignment problems.
  2. Facial Collapse: A much more serious complication of missing teeth. Once the body notices that a tooth root is missing, it suspends the flow of nutrients to the jawbone. Without calcium and phosphorus, the jawbone tissue will deteriorate, leading to facial collapse. Soon, the patient can develop a significantly older appearance. However, by placing implants the jawbone can be stimulating, preventing the loss of tissue.
  3. Tooth Decay and Gum Disease: Remember when we discussed misalignment above? Well, when your teeth crowd or overlap, then thorough brushing and flossing can be difficult. As a result, food can remain trapped between teeth, making the onset of tooth decay and gum disease more likely. Once again, replacing a lost tooth sooner than later can help protect your overall oral health. If you have any questions about replacing missing teeth with dental implants then contact our office today. We can help you enjoy a whole and healthy smile again.

Are You Ready for Dental Implants?

James Stewart, DDS, and our team are ready to help you enjoy a healthy and beautiful smile with lifelike dental implants. We serve patients from Livonia, MI, as well as Farmington Hills, Farmington, Plymouth, Northville, Novi, Dearborn Heights, Dearborn, Garden City, Westland, Redford, and the surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (734) 425-4400.

