What Are The Benefits Of Dental Implants?

In recent years, more and more people have shown interest in replacing teeth with dental implants. While dental bridges and removable dentures are still available, dental implants offer a number of benefits over more traditional means of tooth replacement. What are these benefits? How do they differ from other forms of tooth replacement?

Lifetime of Tooth Replacement

On average, you can expect a dental bridge to last between 10 and 15 years. Full and partial dentures often last between 5 and 10 years. But what about dental implants? With proper care and maintenance, which means taking better care of your smile as a whole, you can expect your new tooth to potentially last decades, possibly even a lifetime.

The Ability to Eat a Greater Variety of Foods

Removable dentures can still slip during meals occasionally, which means you’re still slightly limited on what you can eat. However, since implants are fixed in place, you can eat a greater variety of foods, including tough foods you’ve probably avoided since losing teeth. This helps improve nutritional intake.

Lifelike Appearance

For a single tooth option, we place a dental crown to restore the tooth. For those missing multiple teeth, we can provide a prosthetic that snaps onto the implant posts. Both options involve the creation of a custom-made restoration using lifelike materials. Once complete, your new tooth or teeth will blend seamlessly with your smile and reflect your specific facial structure.

Easy Maintenance

No need for removal, soaking, or special steps to clean. You simply care for them as if they were natural teeth. Which means you need to brush your teeth twice a day and always floss before going to bed. You also need to see the dentist every six months for a checkup (to monitor the new tooth) and a cleaning (to protect the new tooth from periodontal problems).
