FAQs: Do Dental Implants Look Natural?

People suffering from tooth loss often come to us with questions about dental implants. Aside from cost and placement, the most common questions tend to be about appearance. Will the dental implants look natural? Will they blend with the rest of the smile? We’re happy to address any questions our patients have about the appearance and design of their replacement teeth.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Question: What are they made from?

Answer: The actual implant portion is created using titanium. This metal is biocompatible, which enables it to bond with the jawbone like a natural root. This occurs over a period of three to six months and is known as osseointegration.

Question: How is the restoration created?

Answer: The visible portion of the new tooth is a dental crown. We custom-make them using ceramic, due to the material’s lifelike appearance, strength, and stain-resistant properties. Once the osseointegration process ends, we add an abutment to the post that holds the new crown in place.

Question: Will they blend with surrounding teeth?

Answer: Yes. The restoration and the placement of the implant portion are designed to allow the new tooth to blend seamlessly with your smile. In addition, with proper care and attention it’s possible for the new tooth to last a lifetime, instead of requiring replacement every ten years or so, as bridges or dentures often do.

Question: What if I have lost all of my teeth?

Answer: If you have lost most or all of your teeth we can place multiple titanium posts to support a fixed prosthetic. We can do this to create a fixed bridge or full or partial denture. If you have any questions about tooth replacement, then please contact our office today.

