How Do You Maintain Your Implants?

No one enjoys losing a tooth. Fortunately, we have the ability to replace them with a very lifelike dental implant, which can also stimulate jawbone growth and help you avoid loss of jawbone density. Once you receive one, you may have questions about caring for them. How do you maintain your implants?

Ways to Maintain Your New Implants

  1. Always Brush Your Teeth: Like natural teeth, brushing your new teeth can help protect them from plaque buildup. Plaque can irritate the gums, leading to gingivitis and eventually, the risk of gum disease, a major threat to the stability of your teeth, new and old.
  2. Don’t Forget to Floss: While flossing helps remove food from the surface of the teeth and controls buildup, only floss can reach between the teeth. An essential part of avoiding gum disease, you should floss your teeth every night before going to bed.
  3. See Your Dentist Every Six Months: Every six months you should have a checkup and cleaning. A checkup allows your doctor to monitor your new tooth and make sure it continues to provide quality tooth replacement. A cleaning can help protect your smile (and implant) from periodontal disease.
  4. Stop Smoking: The reason we want to avoid gum disease is because the later stage of the disease, periodontitis, can cause tooth loss and implant failure. When you smoke or use tobacco products, periodontal disease becomes more likely and often, more severe, making the risk of losing your new tooth greater. In addition, smoking can also boost the chances of developing oral, lung, and throat cancer.
  5. Be Aware of Possible Signs of Trouble: If your tooth feels loose, the area around it aches, or if your gums suddenly appear red, feel sore, or bleed easily, then talk to your dentist right away.