How Does Tooth Loss Impact Your Health?

We always recommend those with missing teeth seek a replacement option. Losing a tooth is not just an esthetic concern, it can hurt your overall health as well. How does tooth loss impact your health? From the stability of your smile to your overall nutritional intake, tooth loss can lead to serious difficulties for a person.


When you lose a tooth, or multiple teeth, the surrounding teeth may drift towards the empty gaps in your smile. An uneven smile can place pressure on the jaw joints, increasing the risk of developing TMJ disorder or possibly bruxism (teeth grinding/jaw clenching). In addition, misalignment also makes thoroughly brushing and flossing your teeth difficult, increasing the chances of tooth decay or gum disease forming.

Facial Collapse

The body takes notice of the missing tooth root right away. In response, the body suspends the flow of calcium and phosphorus to the jawbone, causing it to deteriorate over time. Losing jawbone dentistry can eventually lead to facial collapse, causing sunken cheeks, a ptotic chin, and other changes that can make a patient seem older.

Difficult Speaking/Communicating

If you lose a significant number of your natural teeth, then you may have trouble communicating clearly. In addition, you may be forced to subsist on a diet of mainly soft foods, which limits nutritional intake and hurts your overall health.

Replacement Option

We can replace one or more missing teeth with dental implants. Inserted into the jawbone, the implant acts as a natural root, securing the tooth for a lifetime. The implant stimulates the growth of jawbone tissue, combating facial collapse. Replacing a tooth also prevents the onset of misalignment. If you have any questions about dental implants and tooth replacement, then talk to our office today.
